Target Operating Model Design
A target operating model describes the operations used to deliver a certain value proposition to a target market. The design of a target operating model is a key component for your company to achieve its vision and is based on your business strategy.
If there is some uncertainty regarding the company strategy or value proposition, Convergenc3 will provide the additional effort needed to conduct market analysis, derive the proposed value proposition and ultimately define the design principles.
Target Operating Model Design
A target operating model describes the operations used to deliver a certain value proposition to a target market. The design of a target operating model is a key component for your company to achieve its vision and is based on your business strategy.
If there is some uncertainty regarding the company strategy or value proposition, Convergenc3 will assist with the additional to obtain these design principles through market analysis, deriving the proposed value proposition and defining the design principles.
The processes delivering the value proposition are designed to maximise value provided to the client – as per the defined value proposition – and minimise all other activities. Depending on the nature of the operating model, processes are performed by a combination of technology and people. These form part of the operating model and have their own supporting structures which are required and may be managed during implementation, but do not technically form part of the operating model.
There are different approaches to the implementation of the target operating model depending on the maturity of the environment, industry and available business capabilities. These considering factors also influence the design of the target operating model and implementation phases. Utilising our wide industry experience, the framework we use has been refined to enable implementation in almost any business environment.
Target Operating Model Approach
- Define strategic intent
- Define critical success factors
- Assign key stakeholders
- Define design principles
- Determine technical
capabilities - Translate strategic intent operational and into
product requirements - Design supporting processes
and structures - Detail design of processes and structures
- System development
- Obtain human resources
- Develop supporting
documents and capabilities
- Launch model
- Business owner to own model
- Final adjustments based on launch
- Continious improvement
- Adjustments according to the user feedback
- Next phase preparation
As the phases progress, the focus will move from the defining the market to improving supporting structures
Key Outcomes
As the phases increases, the focus moves from the market to the support structures
1. Validated product
2. Implemented contact strategies and business growth roadmap
3. Implemented operations
4. Industry compliance
5. Sustainable and aligned supporting structures
As the phases increases, the focus moves from the market to the support structures
Key Outcomes
As the phases increases, the focus moves from the marrket to the support structures
1. Validated product
2. Implemented contact strategies and business growth roadmap
3. Implemented operations
4. Industry compliance
5. Sustainable and aligned supporting structures